
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

East Coast Trip Day 8: Massanutten Waterpark

What is wet, tired and red all over?

The Crones! Just kidding about the red all over part.

Our plan for today was to take the kids to the Massanutten Waterpark. It is a big indoor/outdoor park with a ton of things to play in, on or ride.

We headed to the park at 11:00 am when the outside area opened. The indoor area opened at 10:00am but we didn't want to be stuck inside the whole time so we just waited a little bit.

The park is on the small side but it had everything the kids love and then some.
The wave girls' favorite place in the park.
Race slide...I won when I went down it with Kerrie and Andrew.


I need to confiscate Kerrie's camera. She took more picture at the waterpark then I did. I didn't want to take our good camera and just relied on my iPhone camera. When I get more pictures, I will come back and add them.

It was about 3:00 when we were ready to leave and dry out for the day.

Janice made goulash, green beans (my favorite!) and garlic bread for dinner. We are getting feeding 11 people at once down pretty well now. The kids usually play card or board games while dinner is being prepared. The food gets spread out on the table, family style, and everyone goes through to prepare their plate. Chairs are moved and we end up with a circle of seating in the living room. Food is blessed and then we dig in. Whoever didn't help cook, helps with clean up. It has been nice to eat together.

After dinner, Kerrie and her family headed to church. Dad took Tom and I to the driving range across the street and we took our first swing at golf. 

Filling our buckets.
Tom getting his swing on!
"Coach Dad"
No action shots of me during our time but I did capture proof I was at least there. :)
 Tom and I have talked about wanting to take a walk for the past few nights. Tonight, we finally did it. It was after course hours so we took a little stroll down the path on Woodstone Meadows golf course to the first tee box.

Since I haven't golfed before, I found all of the signage interesting and spent time figuring it out. I think I have a basic understanding of what all these symbols and numbers mean now. :)

Dad, Janice, Tom, the girls and I spent the rest of the night relaxing by watching TV and chatting. The girls ventured to our unit next door and did their own thing before turning in for the night.

This time of day is quiet, peaceful, calm and restoring. I am able to connect with Dad and Janice and get to know them more. I love this time of day and will hold in my heart for a very long time.

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