
Friday, July 25, 2014

East Coast Trip Day 3: Adam's 13th Birthday

Today, Adam turned 13. We've been telling him for a few days that he will get 13 sets of birthday spankings, 13 one-to-grow-ons, 13 pinch-to-grow-an-inches, and 13 socks-to-grow-a-block. Needless to day, we were all looking forward to today. ;)

Kylin loves to bake and she said she would bake Adam's birthday cake. We had to figure out what his favorite kind was. I tried to be all swift and bring it up in conversation on the Metro yesterday. I choose to believe I was swift and he didn't realize that I was on a recon mission.

We went to the commissary to pick up the ingredients then headed to the Exchange where Adam picked out a pair of Sperry's for his birthday. (His is similar to the ones in the link...I think.)

Kerrie, Erika and I had a 3:00 pm appointment for pedicures. Kerrie and Erika went to a TRX class at Erika's gym in the morning while I slept. It was nice to have time to chat with Erika and get to know my new sister-in-law a little better.

Everyone was coming over to Dad's house for dinner. Dad had mentioned previously he wanted to have a birthday party for everyone to celebrate all the birthdays we have not been able to spend together.

While we were out, Kerrie and I decided to make goodie bags for everyone and fill them with things that make us think of the person. There was an A.C. Moore craft store next door to the nail salon, which made our secret mission that much easier.

After dinner, we all opened presents. :)
Erika and Bryan...the Newlyweds




Erika opening her goodie bag.

Kerrie was in charge of passing out the goodie bags while I took pictures.

Tom got a fishing game. He and Josh are planning a fishing trip soon.

We found an interactive picture of Todd. :)

Bryan's "Things to Put Off" list. First item, take tux to the cleaners. (Erika told us that he's notorious for not taking his tux to the cleaners until the very last minute. They have been a part of 8 weddings recently.)

Camden, Erika and Bryan's dog

Janice got bobbins for her cross stitch thread.

Josh and his mini-me.

Dad was given a hot wheel car, desk top bowling set, and a mini basketball and hoop for the times when he needs a break at his desk.

Adam watching as Kylin opens her bag o' goodies.

New luggage tag for Lil' Miss.

Andrew taking a picture break to open his goodie bag.

The birthday boy's turn!

Kylin baked the cake and the other kids helped decorate it. 

Nice unibrow, Brother.

Please meet Luigi and Giuseppe. They maka da good pasta.

Adam getting ready for his birthday song.

Luca was saddened to hear that the candles would soon be blown out.  Mario, on the other hand, looked forward to the morsels that would remain on his 'stach for a midnight snack.

He huffed...

and he puffed...

and blew them all out except one.

Mama Mia is proud of her boy but her father is embarrassed by her closely shaven appearance.


Children, I am your father.

Our first family photo in too many years.

The sisters :)

Avery and the uncles

The gigantic Hoffman and Barney men. (We are looking into treatment for Dad's four arms and 4 ears condition. It's called The Avery.)

Janice had a heck of a time figuring out how to work the camera on her phone correctly. I love this picture of Janice and Erika.

Handsome guys

All of the kids with their uncles.

This was the first time Bryan and Josh met Alora. They had not seen Kylin since she was 2.

Size comparison shot

Met our other father, Ali-ba-bah

Cousin tree pose remake

Grandparents and grandchildren

Notice all the kids making silly faces but the grandparents stayed the same. LOL!
 It was a very fun day being silly with family and celebrating Adam and one another.

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