
Sunday, July 29, 2012


How many times have you played Words With Friends and gotten the message "______ may be misspelled" when you tried to sneak in a proper noun? Drives me CRAZY! Just let me play the bazillion point word I have all the letters for in the TW spot! You know you've said that too. ;) With this project, I'm taking the power back and using proper nouns in Scrabble! 

You may have noticed that I love letters, letter forms, text and fonts. So naturally, a name art project has been on my list. I got the idea forever and a day ago it seems. I even had all the supplies on hand. All that was missing was remembering to put it all together when I had time. While waiting for parts of another project to dry, I stumbled across the shadowbox frame and knew I could pump it out quickly. After all, the glue gun was already hot. 

I quickly gathered all the supplies; Scrabble tiles, shadowbox frame, 12 X 12 scrapbook paper, glue gun, T-square and corner square. Sitting at the kitchen counter, I got to work laying out the tiles so all of our names and the word family would fit on the 12 X 12 space. Take a look...

Now comes the fun part, gluing all the tiles! You might be wondering how I kept the placement and spacing. That's where the T and Corner square tools come in. Since Jeanette is the longest name and fit best in the middle, I knew the center of the paper would be in the space between the N and E. I lined up the T-square and corner square to find the center, put a little pencil dot (remember how nicely pencil shows up on black?) and used the T-square to help place the rest of the tiles in a straight line. 

Each tile is about .3 an inch away from the next.

Keeping the rest of the tiles laid out makes this project quick and easy.

The J and last E are about 2 inches from the edge of the paper.

I continued to move the T-square and glue tiles until they were all in place. 

It was really that easy. Not to mention QUICK! I love the end result! 

I think it's a shame that proper nouns can't be played in Scrabble. Jeanette is a 15 point word. With a TW spot, we're talking mucho point-os! The rules aren't going to change so using my craftiness, I have taken the power back. All I needed to do was a little thinking off the board. Now, that's how to use proper names with Scrabble!


  1. I love word games! This is a great way to show my love of word games AND my family, not to mention something personalized where Ilaria and I can have our names spelled correctly for once.

  2. Ditto on the spelling names correctly! The girls and I rarely find personalized things with our names on them too.
