
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

(Paint) Chips Ahoy!

Sea Green to Gray Area or seafoam to battleship gray one might say. Ahoy! Okay, that's about the extent of the sea or Navy analogies for this post...although, I like to keep my options open.

You've seen the pictures. The green has to go, don't ya think? Me too! I'm so glad we think alike. Now, let's get our therapeutic painting on. What...we're not thinking alike anymore? Hmm, I LOVE painting. Seriously, it's therapeutic for me and I don't hold it against you if you don't feel the same way. You'll come to your senses soon. ;) 

In my rush to get the bathroom painted before Sister-n-Crew arrived for spring break, I still took the time to snap pics to document the transformation. Even if for nothing other than my own self enjoyment of looking back at the accomplishment and thinking, "Wow! This is AMAZING!" You know you do it too. I hear you chuckling to yourself! 

First things first. A girl must gather her tools for the job. I tried using a tip I found on Pinterest where the paint tray is lined with foil for easier clean up. Well, about 1/2 a roll of foil later, it worked! I will use this trick again, but with wider foil. Another MUST HAVE for me is the trim tool. It makes all the difference when it comes to cutting in around baseboards, window casings, the ceiling, just about anything you don't want to paint that has straight lines.

Yes, those are gloves. I like to wear gloves to keep my hands clean. I use these gloves to garden too. They're superhero gloves. I can pick up worms with them on. :)
Now, it's time to get dirty! Okay, not so much being that we're wearing gloves. ;) I am a little "OCD" in my painting approach. I almost always paint from left to right. It's just a thing I do. Cutting in the trim is typically my first point too but I didn't have a new pad for the trim tool and was too impatient to go to the store to get a new one so I decided I would do it last. Totally stepping outside my box on this one! On your marks, get set, ROLL!

See the neighbors house? Neat, huh?
And roll some more...

Keep it up, you're doing fine!

We're still going. This space isn't feeling so small now is it?

I love how the gray looks. Fast-forwarding to the next day to work on cutting in the edges.

Edging = crisp, finished look

New shower curtain.

I didn't papparazzi the bathroom light fixture change out. Now, how did that happen?

As I've said, this bathroom project has been on-going. See how Hubbs and I have been living "around" my project?

The accent colors for the bathroom are white, aqua/teal/blue-green and of course, black. Every room needs a touch of black.

Okay, so the paint is done now right? Nope. Not when it comes to me and paint. I plan to do a "watermark" technique to make an accent wall. First try = fail so I've hashed a new plan and will post about it soon.

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